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You troubled with diffuser?

SEIKA Ecorator can Resolve!

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Long Life Time

No clogging, no sediment

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Smart Design

High oxygen absorption rate

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SEIKA Ecorator

New innovation air diffuser

The ecorator (air diffuser) has a powerful airlift effect that doubles the agitation in the tank. It is also practical for carrier flow systems.

The oxygen absorption rate is 30% higher compared to those of conventional cylindrical air diffusers.
The reduced exhaust pressure loss results in energy savings.

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Solution Air Diffuser

No Clogging (Even intermittent operation)
No maintenance!

No Aging Degradation
Keep initial dissolution efficiency!

High Mixing Power
No deposition of sludge in tank!


The flow along the venturi bumps and the direct flow together generate a stripping phenomenon (vortex) that creates fine air bubbles.

The fluid generates a stripping phenomenon and creates fine bubbles approx 300 μm in diameter.

Water that reaches the surface is sucked to the tank bottom by the down flow, which increases the DO value of the oxygen-rich part.

Product Lineup

Choose a model that fits your needs.

  • ECO-1000
  • Material SUS + PP
  • Air Blow 0.7-1.4 m3/min
  • Agitation 6-7 m2
  • Water depth 2 m +
  • Ecorator Jr.
  • Material PP
  • Air Blow 0.15-0.3 m3/min
  • Agitation 1-2 m2
  • Water depth 1 m +

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The research purpose are identification problem, data collection, sampling ... Maka diperlukan suatu evaluasi terhadap instalasi pengolahan air limbah,  PERENCANAAN ULANG INSTALASI PENGOLAHAN AIR LIMBAH 7 Tabel karakteristik tiap sumber air limbah yang akan masuk ke IPAL PG. ... Proses aerobik tetap menggunakan kolam aerasi dan proses anaerobik dengan ..... Cair Pedagang Kaki Lima di Kawasan Jalan H. Agus Salim Kota Pontianak Suara Pemred − Kadishut Kalbar Minta Pemda Maksimalkan IPAL PONTIANAK, SP - Kepala Dinas Kehutanan (Dishut) Kalbar Marcellus Tj meminta ... memaksimalkan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL). Problem ‎Aerasi Solusi Aerasi IPAL Pontianak - Diffuser Ecorator Solusi Aerasi IPAL Pontianak - Diffuser Ecorator.

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